Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My 2013

Okay, As some of you already know I do not take kindly to people that are just plainly stupid and lack common sense. Common sense, hum, let's think about this phrase for a second...The dictionary defines common sense as the fallowing; 

Common Sense - Noun - Sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.  

Now what I want to know how something that can be defined so easily can be so misunderstood by SO MANY PEOPLE! It is now 2013...The world did not end, the planets did not align, the world did not go dark, or whatever else those ridiculous people were screaming about. Yet through all of these doomsday, we're all going to die scenarios one thing STILL never changes. . .our ability to have common fucking sense. You would think that after all this bullshit and "oh my God we are going to die" no one has wised up. People are still only thinking of themselves. 

Well, you know what, this year I am going to do what I can to fix this problem...I am going to continue to write and simply disregard all the people in my life that are fake and have no meaning. What is the point in continuing through your days with people you are forced to act cordial to or expect you to conform to a certain standard? There isn't one. Why continue to surround your self with people that are nice and cheery to your face then as soon as your back is turned talk shit or manipulate the ones you love for their own personal gain? What is the point in hanging around people that are just so stupid that the only thing they are good for is entertainment. There is only so much you can do for someone that isn't willing to help themselves. There are only so many times you can tell a redneck to stop screwing his sister before it's a waste of breath. There are only so many things you can say to your friends who are just being dumb and their children are suffering for it.

Please don't get me wrong I am not the smartest crayon in the box but at least I take the time to stand back and look at the things that I have done through the day, week, or month and year and I reflect and learn from the mistakes that I have made and done something to better them which ever way possible. While I sit and watch idiots continue to bash their heads against doors repeatedly for no good reason. 

So 2013 will be different for me. I will no longer poses the partial filter I have in my brain that stops me from saying what I feel in the moment no matter who or how much it is going to hurt. I know that sounds horrible to an extent but damnit if I don't do it who will? If I cannot be at least one person that stands up and proves that they still have a brain and fully understand what I am capable of as a person who will ever catch on and fallow? 

Think about that the next time you are gushing to your friends about how much weight you're going to lose this year and how you are just going to be the poster child of community service and give back to your community any way you can. We get it Miss America; you want world peace and everyone to have a small toy dog in a Gucci purse but lets face it, by February you are going to get tired of going to the gym and we all know the thought of doing something nice for some one else that would even slightly result in you getting dirty or having to interact with people lower than your social standing makes you painstakingly ill. So shut up, sit down and ponder over the definition of common sense and see if there could be room for improvement in you as a person. You can nip, tuck, and alter everything about yourself physically but mentally you are who you are and no amount of drugs or surgery will change that it has to come from within. 

So stick that in your juice box and suck it \m/>.<\m/