Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Fake and Manipulating People

I have come to realize a lot this year that the older I get the more bullshit I see from people. By bullshit I mean the fake-ness of other people and their ability to turn right around seconds after you walk out of a room they start the bad mouthing. When being fake does not seem to work there is always that other option of being manipulative and sneaky to get what they want and bring themselves right back into the center of attention. These people really bother me for the simple fact that; A. you cannot trust them and B. You never know what to do in situations because you don't want to hurt their feelings, because you are a nice person, but deep down inside you know that all you really want to do is knock their head off. Now there is a HUGE difference in being fake and what I just said about knocking their heads off. For one, saving face and playing nice is some times required in life just so there is not an over powering argument around children or in a work environment. The one thing I really have a hard time understanding is why are these fake manipulative people get so ahead in life when all they do is complain and screw over situations for other people even when they are fully knowledgeable that their actions do not just effect the person they are directly dealing with but everyone around them. Especially when it comes to children. I mean how stupid do you really have to be? When you are messing with a child's family at least have the gull to think for a second if you would be ok if some one did that to your children. I think that is a HUGE part of the problem; people have absolutely NO COMMON SENSE or consideration for the people around them and the people that will be affected by their selfish actions. The people like this that REALLY get to me are the ones that are mothers or fathers and they let their own petty problems come before what is right for their child. Prime example of this; you sleep with more than one man and end up pregnant, don't you think your child has a RIGHT to know who their father is? I mean please tell me if I am being unreasonable or not; this was the way I was raised. I sat and watched my parents destroy each other and it ended up with them throwing me in the middle because they left on such bad terms. Still to this day I have no relationship with my mother or my father and watching my child now grow I do not want that to ever happen. I guess the saying is true; you cant fix stupid. You cannot teach someone how to be a good mother, you can not teach someone how to grow up if they themselves don't want to. I would LIKE to assume that doing what is best for your child is COMMON SENSE, then again, like I said, my idea of common sense and the lack of maturity in the world are fake, manipulative, and only think of themselves. It's just sad to me; then they turn around and wonder why their children want nothing to do with them when they get older. Hmm, I wonder mornon. 
and THAT is the way I see it. \m/ >.< \m/ 

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